Web performance is a critical aspect of user experience and SEO, impacting everything from conversion rates to search engine rankings. Among various performance metrics, Content Layout Shift (CLS) is pivotal, focusing on visual stability during the loading phase. High CLS scores can frustrate users by causing unexpected layout shifts. Here, we explore seven strategies for minimizing CLS, including practical code examples for a smoother web experience.Optimize Image and Video Sizes
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- Read more »Categories: Magento 2Posted: March 16, 2024
- Potopite se v transformativni svet Obogatene Resničnosti (AR) in odkrijte njen globok vpliv v različnih sektorjih. Od revolucioniranja zabavnih in maloprodajnih izkušenj do izboljšanja izobraževalnih metod in zdravstvenih praks, ta članek se poglobi v to, kako AR ni le tehnološki napredek, ampak premik v paradigmi naših vsakodnevnih interakcij. Sprejmite potovanje v obogateno prihodnost, kjer se domišljija in resničnost združujeta, kar ponuja neskončne možnosti za obogatitev in preobrazbo naših življenj.Read more »Categories: AR / VR / XRPosted: December 07, 2023
- In the digital marketplace, where competition is fierce and consumer attention spans are short, the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) cannot be understated. For eCommerce businesses, SEO is the cornerstone of digital visibility, driving organic traffic to their online stores and significantly impacting sales and growth. In essence, SEO is what helps a business stand out in the crowded online marketplace, ensuring that when potential customers search for products or services, it's their website that surfaces at the top of search results. Enter Magento 2, a platform renowned for its robust eCommerce capabilities, which also offers a suite of SEO-friendly features. Built with the modern needs of online retailers in mind, Magento 2 provides an array of tools designed to optimize websites for search engines right out of the box. From enhanced URL structures and metadata control to efficient content management and mobile responsiveness, Magento 2 lays a solid foundation forRead more »Categories: Magento 2Posted: November 23, 2023
- Explore the second part of our insightful blog on maximizing your online store's potential using Magento 2. This article delves into advanced features like performance optimization, multilingual support, analytics, and reporting. Discover how Magento 2 enhances user experience and boosts search engine rankings, expanding your business globally and securing your online presence with robust security features. Join us as we unveil Magento 2's capabilities to revolutionize eCommerce and support your business's growth in the digital marketplace. Section 6: Performance Optimization In the competitive landscape of eCommerce, the performance of an online store is not just a technical concern but a critical business factor. Magento 2 addresses this with an array of performance optimization features, designed to ensure that online stores are fast, efficient, and capable of handling high traffic volumes. This section explores Magento 2's key performance optimization features, suchRead more »Categories: Magento 2Posted: November 23, 2023
- Dilema nadgradnje: Magento 1 ali Magento 2? V svetu e-trgovinskih platform je izbira med Magento 1 in njegovim naslednikom Magento 2 lahko ključna. Ta priročnik opisuje prednosti obeh, da vam pomaga sprejeti pomembno odločitev za vaše poslovanje. Od stabilnosti in domačnosti pri Magento 1 do povečanja zmogljivosti in izboljšane varnosti pri Magento 2, razčlenjujemo ključne dejavnike, ki jih je treba upoštevati na tej poti nadgradnje. Naredite pravo potezo za vaše podjetje s pomočjo našega celovitega vpogleda.Read more »Categories: Magento 2Posted: October 13, 2023
- Raziščite številne prednosti Magento 2, vodilne platforme za elektronsko poslovanje, zasnovane za uspeh na digitalnem trgu. Od bliskovito hitre učinkovitosti do brezhibne optimizacije za mobilne naprave, ta platforma ponuja niz funkcij, prilagojenih sodobnim spletnim podjetjem. Zaronite v naš blog, da odkrijete, kako lahko Magento 2 izboljša vaše podjetje na spletu, zagotavljajoč vrhunsko nakupovalno izkušnjo za vaše stranke.Read more »Categories: Magento 2Posted: October 13, 2023